The Locum Union Приложения

The Locum Union 0.1
The Locum Union
This App has been made with the purposeofbringing together Locum Optometrists!Locum Optometrists can use this App to share issues andideas,good practice, as well as come together on issues thataffectus!One of the problems being a Locum is a degree of isolation andTheLocum Union aims to bring practitioners together so that wecanunite as a community.COMING TOGETHER IS A BEGINNING, STAYING TOGETHER IS PROGRESSANDWORKING TOGETHER IS SUCCESS...._____________________________________www.thelocumunion.com_____________________________________The following rules and regulations are for the benefit ofnewand existing users. We ask that you comply with these guidelinestoencourage productive interaction and discussions. Whiletheadministrators and moderators promote the sharing of ideasandopinions, action will be taken against any posts which are foundtocause offense and unrest between members and organisations.We would ask that you, the members, help to maintainahigh-quality and productive message board. Please avoid postingortransmitting any unlawful, defamatory, obscene, offensiveorscandalous material, or any material that constitutes orencouragesconducts which are likely to give rise to civil liabilityorviolate any laws. This will lead to an immediate and permanentban.In registering you, the member, consents to any giveninformationbeing stored in a secure database. We may email you fromtime totime with updates related to the website.If you have any questions regarding these rules you contactamoderator via the ‘Contact Us’ page on the above link.By using this App you agree to be bound by these conditions.